Institute for Failure Analysis and Materials Investigation
You can only learn from damage if you recognize its causes and initiate remedial measures.


Euro-Labor GmbH has been at a new location since March 2023. The new address is:

Amtmann-Ibing-Str. 12
44805 Bochum

You can still reach us under the known telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Hochschulpraktikum – Wasserstoff in Metallen

19. – 20. März 2025

Sprechen Sie uns an!

Institute for Failure Analysis and Materials Investigation
You can only learn from damage if you recognize its causes and initiate remedial measures.


Euro-Labor GmbH has been at a new location since March 2023. The new address is:

Amtmann-Ibing-Str. 12
44805 Bochum

You can still reach us under the known telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.


Failure analysis

Even if most components are carefully designed and their quality standard is monitored during production, it is not always possible to prevent component failure during operation. This results in economic losses due to production downtime, consequential damage or even a risk to people's health.

Such damage can only be repaired or prevented in the future if the cause of the damage is analyzed in detail. The defective component is the data carrier for information about its manufacture, processing and stresses during operation.

EURO-LABOR offers systematic failure analyses in accordance with VDI guideline 3822 and tests to determine the causes of damage.

Dr.-Ing. Nebojša Lakota
Telefon: 0234/5866295

Materials investigation

Die Qualität und die Eigenschaften des Vormaterials sowie der gefertigten Bauteile werden durch die Wahl der Werkstoffe entscheidend beeinflusst. Um eine gewisse Güte eines solchen Produktes sicherzustellen, werden die Werkstoffe im Rahmen der Werkstoffprüfung analysiert. In der Qualitätssicherung soll sichergestellt werden, dass ein Produkt ein festgelegtes Qualitätsniveau erreicht. Hierfür können unterschiedlichste Untersuchungsmethoden herangezogen werden.
EURO-LABOR can carry out both simple routine checks and special material tests for you.

Dr.-Ing. Gregor Manke

Telefon: 0234/5866294

Hydrogen investigations

As the climate-neutral energy source of the future, hydrogen presents many areas of technology with the task of mastering hydrogen embrittlement. In addition to damage caused by compressed hydrogen, mechanisms such as hydrogen-induced stress corrosion cracking, delayed crack formation and damage caused by production-related hydrogen also require a systematic understanding of the interrelationships.
EURO-LABOR offers comprehensive methods ranging from basic investigations to fractographic evaluations.

Dr.-Ing. Jens Jürgensen

Telefon: 0234/58617664

Analysis methods

We offer you the following examination methods, among others:

For further testing methods, please contact us!

Materials consulting
and project management

Häufig sind nicht nur schadensanalytische Begutachtungen notwendig, sondern es gilt den Bogen weiter zu spannen und in Konstruktionen, Prozesse und Abläufe zu blicken.

EURO-LABOR supports you in the handling of comprehensive projects, whether in the field of design and material optimization, parameter studies or the processing of metrological issues.

and in-house events

We offer seminars on selected topics relating to failure analysis and materials. These can be held on our premises in Bochum or as in-house events at locations of your choice. The respective seminars can include theoretical basic training and practical exercises on what has been learned.

We would be happy to provide you with suggestions and respond to your wishes.

About Us

EURO-LABOR is a service provider for failure analysis and material testing.

Failure analysis is often at the end of a chain of events that is usually associated with undesirable costs. At the same time, however, it can be the key to preventing recurrences. You can only learn from damage if you recognize its causes and initiate the necessary remedial measures. We offer you our support in this process.

Take your time to look around and gain an impression of our capabilities in failure analysis and materials testing. If you have any specific inquiries, please contact our staff directly.

EURO-LABOR GmbH was founded in August 2000 and was initially based in Witten.

In 2008, we moved into new premises near the campus of the Ruhr University Bochum to accommodate the increased space requirements and to ensure better accessibility for our customers.

Since then, the staff has more than doubled, as the demand for our services has also increased.

Im März 2023 erfolgte der Umzug in ein größeres Gebäude mit angeschlossener Halle in Bochum-Gerthe.


To contact us, you can send us an e-mail or give us a call.

Amtmann-Ibing-Str. 12 / 44805 Bochum

How to find us